USP Recognizes Work of Food Ingredients Expert Committee

September 20, 2012

The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (“USP”) recently announced at an Awards and Recognition Program for USP Expert Volunteers that the 2012 USP Award for an Innovative Response to Public Health Challenges went to the Food Ingredients Expert Committee. Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C. Director Diane B. McColl is a member of the Food Ingredients Expert Committee, which is chaired by Andrew Ebert, Ph.D., and is responsible for the development and revision of monographs and their associated USP Reference Standards for food ingredients. The award is presented to a USP standards-setting body in recognition of efforts in addressing a special public health need or challenge. The Food Ingredients Expert Committee was selected for its outstanding work and exemplary leadership in transitioning the Food Chemicals Codex (“FCC”) from the Institute of Medicine to USP.

USP Council of Experts Chairman, Roger L. Williams, M.D., said that the “Food Ingredients Expert Committee not only provided its expertise and guidance for the transition of FCC to USP, but also ensured its growth and continuity as the leading international compendium of food ingredient standards.” Furthermore, commented Dr. Williams, the “Food Ingredients Expert Committee guided USP staff in a significant expansion of the scope of the FCC to include new and novel ingredients essential in keeping the FCC relevant to all stakeholders worldwide as well as specifically addressing the public health challenge of food adulteration. The Food Ingredients Expert Committee exemplified the volunteer spirit that defines USP’s commitment to address public health challenges.”

Additional information available here.