No one wants to be involved in a government investigation, let alone be the focus of an investigation.  HPM attorneys have extensive experience helping companies and individuals navigate this difficult process to achieve the best possible result.

HPM’s government investigations team includes former government litigators and seasoned defense attorneys,  who draw on their experience and   the firm’s extensive substantive knowledge of the relevant statutes and regulations.  Our team can quickly mobilize  to help you understand the government’s motivations, and determine how best to respond.  Whether the investigation is the result of a self-disclosure, a subpoena, a CID, or another government investigative tool, we help you understand your procedural rights and legal obligations, and develop a strategy.

Our understanding of laws and regulations enforced by FDA, DEA, FTC, CMS, as well as federal and state prosecutors, helps our clients identify the claims that the government may be investigating and explore comprehensively the defenses to those claims.  Our attorneys have successfully persuaded the government to abandon investigations, or conclude investigations on favorable terms, including civil and criminal declinations, pretrial diversion agreements, and other administrative, civil and criminal resolutions.
